Member Conduct Code
Epic Game | Community rules
Lets all work together to ensure that the Epic Game community stays an inclusive environment, for gaming and connecting with others. Every bit of support contributes to maintaining its atmosphere!
These rules are, for all players of Epic Games who use our games and services and emphasize the importance of being polite and showing respect to everyone involved. While they may not address every situation they provide a foundation, for exhibiting manners.
Adher ing, to the rules is easy. Veering much off course could lead to consequences such, as being barred.
Community Rules
- Be mindful not to reveal anyones information, beyond what they've chosen to share and make an effort to safeguard your own personal details whenever you can.
- At Epic Games we strongly oppose harassment and discrimination. Our community flourishes through inclusivity and mutual respect.
- Remember to maintain a tone during conversations or gaming interactions and refrain from pretending to be someone be it other players celebrities or Epic Games staff members.
- Make sure to play avoid cheating or exploiting glitches to gain advantages.
- Always maintain an attitude, within the Epic Game universe by ensuring that your actions and content are uplifting and beneficial, to others.
- Each violation is carefully assessed individually to decide on the action based on the severity of the wrongdoing.
- If you come upon any behaviors that go against our Community Rules or Content Guidelines while playing the game...
- Remember that Epic Games can change their community guidelines at any time.Be sure to stay updated and lets continue to have a time!
Stay vigilant for any updates, to the rules of Epic Games – things could change to ensure an experience, for everyone!
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